Clinistix UTI Test Strips

    Clinistix UTI Box and Bottle with strips without background

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    A simple urine home test can be a fast, accurate, and reliable method to screen for a urinary tract infection (UTI). Supported by nearly 80 years of innovation and leadership in the field of urinalysis, the new Siemens Healthineers Clinistix™ portfolio of at-home urinalysis tests uses the same chemistry as the strips in your doctor’s office, so you can feel confident in your results.

    Clinistix UTI Test How to Illustrations 9

    Do not use this image to interpret your results.

    Each Clinistix strip contains test pads for the detection of nitrite and white blood cells (WBCs) in urine. Studies suggest that combined, WBC and nitrite results are a better indication of a urinary tract infection than looking at either test result on its own.1

    Most people’s urine contains a chemical called nitrate. Certain bacteria change nitrate to nitrite. Therefore, if a urine nitrite test is positive, it means that you may have bacteria in your urine.

    WBCs are produced by your body to help fight infection. If there are WBCs in your urine sample, it could mean that you have an infection in your urinary tract.2


    Instructions for Use (IFU)

    Five Clinistix UTI Test Strips

    Bottle with color chart + box




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