A simple, at-home urine test can be a fast, accurate, and reliable way to detect abnormalities and monitor kidney health. Rapid detection is key in the early stages of kidney disease, since there are typically no obvious signs or symptoms. If chronic kidney disease (CKD) is found early and managed, a decline in kidney function can be slowed, also helping to lower the risk of related cardiovascular issues.1

Do not use this image to interpret your results.
Each Clinistix™ Kidney Health Test strip contains test pads for the detection of albumin and creatinine in urine.
Albumin is a type of protein. Large amounts of albumin in urine could be an indication of kidney disease and increased cardiovascular disease risk.
Creatinine is an indicator of the concentration of the urine and is used to make the measurement of protein in the urine more accurate. Creatinine is a normal waste product made by your muscles through everyday activity. It is passed through your urine at a constant rate.
By comparing the albumin and creatinine readings, you can determine whether the levels are significant and require follow-up with a healthcare professional.2
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Interpretation of results
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